

Elevating Ed Tech through social engagement and culturally responsive figures.

My Role

As the sole designer on this project, I handled everything in the process from beginning to end. I helped the founder clarify their concept, sketched, designed, & prototyped all phases of the design, conducted the user research & usability testing, iterated the final design, and presented all deliverables.

The Summary

Engaged Learning

Laila’s main goal was to create supplemental learning materials for teachers that would help retain their students’ attention, encourage their students to practice their understanding, and ultimately increase their test scores.

The plan was to build a platform that hosted mini-lesson videos, taught by culturally responsive figures, like athletes and celebrities, with the hope that the content will be more engaging coming from inspirational figures. The platform also needed to offer quizzes to gauge understanding and engagement exercises referred to as Challenges.

The Approach

Learn. Absorb. Create.

The product in mind would focus on three main concepts.  

  • Learn.
    How might I provide students with  lessons that would retain their attention and offer different perspectives of the content they are learning?
    How can I give teachers an intuitive way to facilitate practice in order for students to retain the information and see where they still needed clarification?
    In what ways can the design help solidify the student's understanding? We needed to offer a way for students to explain the materials in their own words.

Mini Lessons

Utilizing public figures to teach mini-lessons has been proven to help retain the attention of students as well as help with understanding content by making it relatable. Laila offers lessons led by athletes and other culturally responsive figures to make engaging content. Another benefit of supplemental lessons is that student's can hear concepts in new ways creating a larger chance of comprehension.



Laila Mini-Lessons

Utilizing public figures to teach mini-lessons has been proven to help retain the attention of students as well as help with understanding content by making it relatable. Laila offers lessons led by athletes and other culturally responsive figures to make engaging content. Another benefit of supplemental lessons is that student's can hear concepts in new ways creating a larger chance of comprehension.


Comprehension checks & quizzes are incorporated into the interactive mini-lessons. By practicing immediately after the lesson, the students begin to retain the information.


Challenges are competitions that call on students to make videos explaining what they have learned in a fun way. The winner may receive a special shout-out from their favorite athlete making learning fun, exciting, and rewarding. Using social and content-creating methods that are familiar to our students allows for a quicker adaptation of the programs and encourages participation

Discovery Phase

User who?

In the initial discovery phase we focused on our main user, the teacher. Knowing that the students would likely be interacting with Laila through their teacher's assignments we considered them to be our secondary user. The business had planned to be selling content to teachers either through a membership or individual purchases.

What we discovered however was that teachers were wildly overwhelmed. Nationwide, teachers are facing immense pressure for their students to perform well on standardized testing.

"Testing is not teaching. Test preparation is not Learning"

Teachers we talked to told us they felt like they were chasing test scores not spending valuable time teaching content. They are spending their personal time and resources to find solutions that will help in the classroom. Furthermore, they find new technology to be frustrating and actually makes their day more challenging.

We started to wonder, is offering yet another tool to a teacher who already is low on time, resources, and bandwidth actually going to solve any problems?

If we could get Laila into the hands of more students and give them access to a new way to study outside of the classroom we could help create a solution with out adding to our over burdened educators.

We believed that by pivoting our main user to the learner we would have a higher impact and ultimately would be the best move for the business.

New User. New Needs.

As the focus shifted from teachers to students we needed to pull back and reconsider their needs. We found that students are also very stressed over testing & feel like everyone at school is on edge. They want to do well and feel like they may let their teachers down if they don't.

How can we best support their learning?

We broadened the scope and pulled away from standardized testing. We wanted to supply students with resources outside of the classroom that would help them better understand the topics they are learning in class. If we could take the focus away from the testing and towards truly understanding the material then better test scores will follow.

We discovered students need the following:


Students need to hear concepts explained
in new & different ways


Students need to be able to get easy access to supplemental learning materials


Students need to be able to practice their skills in ways that help absorb the material


Students need engaging & interactive content to help keep their attention

New User. Same Goals.

Although our main persona had pivoted our goals remained the same. The principles of Laila were still relevant and would influence the design decisions and features.

However, a new concept was born. A version of Laila that utilized social engagement to support students.

Laila Education

An educational platform that uses the influence of culturally responsive figures, peer-to-peer instruction, and user content creation as a way to offer supplemental learning resources outside of the classroom.

Lo-fidelity to Mid-Fidelity

Clarifying Features

At this stage in the design, I was focused on clarifying the features and functions of Laila to our users. I was very careful not to reinvent the perfectly smooth wheel when it comes to social media interactions and content libraries. However, even with familiar functions and features I was still concerned our users wouldn't know how to navigate this new landscape.

How the overall concept would work was still under construction and it showed in my first drafts.

Low Fidelity

  • Navigation
    Organized into four sections
  • Social Interactions  
    Study Groups
    Messaging Features
    Ability to see who is online
Familiar Functions | Unfamiliar Landscape

Cleaning up the Mid-Fidelity Design

  • Navigation
    Clarified three main sections for quicker understanding of the platform
  • Focused on MVP
    Removed Study Group feature to stay in line with current business abilities
  • Removed Distraction
    "Studying Now" only shows outside of the Classroom
  • Prioritized Safety
    Removed messaging & other social features that would be hard to monitor at this time

Testing & Refinement

Simplicity Is Key

"Easier than Google Classroom"

The Good

Overall our users were able to accomplish the tasks easily and grasped the general idea. They enjoyed the concept and were excited to interact with the platform. However, there was room to improve clarity and simplicity.

The...Room for Improvement

  • Younger users were lost in the dashboard
  • Users were unsure of the different concepts throughout the platform.
  • Uploading different types of content was unclear
  • Some verbiage was complicated and users wanted more information over all

The Solutions

Introducing Laila

Designed for Young Learners in 2021

Simple Interface & Navigation

  • Simplified Dashboard Experience
  • Larger, cleaner, simplified interface
  • New Navigation for further clarity
  • Large & easily identifiable graphics

Simplified Interaction

  • Simplified Verbiage
  • Added Upload Content button to the top of navigation
  • Removed "Unverified Content" Filter
  • Challenges moved to their own section
  • Easier submission of challenges by separating process from submitting Discover Posts

Admin Panel

  • Snapshots of User actions
  • Quick content review for approval
  • Easy upload for new content
  • Additional admin pages

Prototype Walkthrough

Features & Pages

Discover Page

  • Watch videos made by Laila Users
  • Subscribe to topics and friends
  • Like & share content
  • Submit your own content
  • Search for new videos by topic


  • Option to Save, Share, and respond to challenge video
  • Check the status of submitted challenges


  • Read the details of the lesson before committing
  • Take notes during the lesson
  • Save your favorite lessons
  • Quiz answer explained in real time
  • Search for lessons by topic

Whats next?

Under Development

Laila will roll out in multiple phases to serve the current state of the business and slowly integrate users into the concepts. Currently the Classroom is being built and I am writing the research plan for testing once it is live.

I learned so much from this project that I will take with me as a designer for years to come. I can't wait to see where it goes and how it will evolve over time.

Laila Classroom
Discover Feed & Search